Thursday, June 18, 2009

Memphis, Day 2

Day two, which was Day 1 of training, went better than I'd expected. Last year I competed in the EMM with a yearling (missed the deadline for the geldings, as a matter of fact, hadn't even heard of the EMM til it was too late), and she was TOUGH. Based on my experience with her last year, I was prepared for another LONG journey before things came together. This guy is just minded differently. He was scared, and a little aggressive at first, but nothing like that filly. At least he feels like it takes too much energy to be too bad. :)

I would have been happy with the first touch that first day. I played with him off and on all day, and while we'd have to "start over" initially, he'd quickly remember what we'd already done and come around faster each time. By the end of the day, I decided to attempt the halter. Went well! Last year I had the BLM put a halter on my filly when I picked her up, but opted against it this year. With Mae, my filly, she got the halter off within 2 days anyhow. Also, I learned from her that these horses don't typically fear things, they fear people. I was able to touch both of these horses with other objects (lunge whip, ropes, a nifty brush taped to a PVC pipe, etc) well before they'd allow me to put my hands on them. Once I had my hands on each of them, the halter wasn't a tough feat.

I was working Memphis in a 24x12 stall for the first touch and haltering. I did snap the lead to him, and he gave to pressure a little, but he said "no" too. I decided to save leading for the following day. I was pleased with what we did that first day. That 'ugly duckling' isn't ugly on the inside. Quite the thinker!

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